It is hard to believe that October has come to an end and November is upon us. Here in Erie, Pennsylvania, we are finally seeing some of the fall colors. The warm temps this fall and the warm air from Lake Erie have kept our foliage green longer than usually. It seems that the cold has finally set in and it is beginning to look more like autumn. Before we know it the snow will be flying. But let's not rush it!
Fall is an exciting and busy time for Birchwood Creek. Our biggest show happens in November with a few small shows leading up to it. This is the time where we see special orders for holiday gift giving start to come in. It is also a time where we have to stock up on supplies before the winter months arrive with their freezing temperatures. Harvesting beach glass and driftwood become more of a challenge when the beaches are covered in ice dunes!
Just this morning I was out harvesting. It is a little easier to find driftwood since our beaches are not being raked now; but, beach glass is another story. Because the trees are dropping leaves, many end up in the lake only to be washed up on shore by the waves. These leaves lay in squishy mounds on the sand and pebbles. I try to sift through them but the thick leaf dunes make it difficult to find treasures buried beneath and within them. If your patient, occasionally a piece of glass or pottery will wash in with a wave. Then you must quickly snatch it up before it gets swallowed by the next wave or lost in a pile of brown roughage. The challenge makes the hunt all the more exciting when you do find that treasured piece and it makes you appreciate pieces you would be tempted to pass up during the summer months.
Needless to say we are very busy. Over the next week or two, I want to give you a sneak peek at some of the things we are working on for the holiday season. Today, I want to highlight our ornaments.
Ornaments are always a big hit with our customers. That comes as no surprise considering they are what launched Birchwood Creek in the first place. In 2015, I created woodburned snowflake ornaments on birch slices for my family. I posted this picture on my private Facebook page and unintentionally set the ball in motion.

Now we create many different designs on our wood slice ornaments.
Our ornaments aren't just for the holidays.
We add new designs every year so be watching our Facebook and Instagram pages for what is new this season.
If you would like to place an ornament order email or message me through our Facebook or Instagram account. Orders placed within the US before December 1st will be completed and mailed on or before December 16th.